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Ways to make it a Healthy Easter

Healthy Easter

The holidays, including Easter, always means ‘special’ foods. If you are watching what you eat, that becomes challenging. Often, people in the US will end up consuming about 1500 calories during the Easter meal. Making it a Healthy Easter is not hard though.

Some tips for having a Healthy Easter:

  1. You don’t have to eat perfectly all the time! As long as you eat healthy at least 80-85% of the time, IT’S OK!

Give yourself grace when you fall off!

But remember to get back on!

You gotta live a little as well!

You can get back on track by becoming more careful with what you eat for the next few days…more than you normally do.

  1. You can make healthier food choices!
  1. Drink plenty of water from the start of the day (That should be something you do everyday!)
  1. Eat a healthy breakfast with lean protein- veggie omelet, fruit and yogurt, fruit/green smoothie with protein powder.
  1. Eat veggies or fruit for snacks.
  1. Include lower calorie foods in the menu, such as steamed veggies and baked potato instead of mashed potatoes.
  1.  Use portion control and watch your serving sizes. Serve half of the plate with veggies, a quarter with grains, and a quarter with protein.
  1.  Eat bread and candy last.
  1.  Eat slowly and savor the food.
  1. Go for a walk after your meal. Stay active throughout the day. 

Some Healthy Easter Food ideas:

  1. For quiches, use low fat cheese and milk. You can even skip the crust and make it crustless.
  1. Use whole wheat/grain flour for baking.
  1. Make fruit salad with fresh fruit and no added sugar. Add orange juice to keep it from oxidizing.
  1. Think ‘Color’ when planning your menu- color of vegetables and fruit: red, green, yellow, orange, blue, purple!
  1. Ham sounds good, but it also has a lot of chemicals in it. Choose lean, uncured (nitrate-free), low-sodium ham whenever possible. 


How to Pick Healthier (But Still Great Tasting) Foods This Easter

Healthy Easter Recipes

If you are looking to make healthier food choices, check out some of my nutrition and recipe blog posts.

I wish you a healthy and blessed Easter.

Coach Priya

Clinical Exercise Physiologist

Personal Trainer

Women’s Fitness Specialist

‪(928) 662-9785‬

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